Christmas Cards

Set of 10 From $25.90

Custom Christmas greeting cards


Use the spaces below to add your preferred personalization.

  • Name *

    Please enter your name or business name here as you wish for it to appear. For example: The Smiths, John Barker, The Shrimp Shack, etc.

  • Sentiment *

    Enter your desired sentiment, greeting, text here. For Example: Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.Min: 1 characters

  • Image/Photo *

    Enter your desired image(s)/photo(s) here. If you prefer, you mail email the images directly to [email protected] if you are not ready to upload at the time of ordering. Please include your order number in the email with your images/photos.Max file size: 100 MBPermitted file types: jpg jpeg jpe gif png pdf

  • Special instructions or requests *

    Enter any instructions or special requests here. To avoid delays on your order, communicate your preferences and vision at the time or ordering. Min: 1 characters

Die-cut (shape of the card) see pictures at the top left of page

Standard | Rounded | Double Rounded | Scallop | Ticket | Bracket | Antique | Double Arch | Oval | Wave | Arch

  • Die-Cut *

    Choose here from one of our edges/card shape! You can never go wrong with standard, but here are a few more options from which you may choose. The price listed is an upgrade fee for your order, standard edges is no additional charge.

Product total

Options total

Flat rate total

Grand total

SKU: CHR-GRE Category:

Customized Christmas cards for family, friends, clients, customers, colleagues, and staff. Our professional graphic design staff will custom-design your cards and include your image(s) and preferred text. If you have a specific preference, color, theme, etc. please communicate that when ordering.

Your order will come with blank white envelopes. Envelope printing, color envelopes, address labels, and address stamps are available.

You will receive a digital proof via email prior to your file entering into print production.

  • 5×7
  • flat, non-folding card
  • 120lb matte stock
  • single or double-side design
  • standard card edge or decorative die-cut edges available



Set of 10, Set of 20, Set of 30, Set of 40, Set of 50, Set of 60, Set of 70, Set of 80, Set of 90, Set of 100, Set of 125, Set of 150, Set of 175, Set of 200, Set of 225, Set of 250

Die Cut

Standard, Rounded, Scallop, Ticket, Bracket, Antique, Arch


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