Personalized Gift Tags

From $16.20

Personalized gift tags


Enter your personalization in the spaces provided. Also, specify your preferred color or theme for your design or enter coordinate with Christmas Card and/or gift wrap design (if you've ordered Christmas Cards or Gift Wrap).

  • Text *

    Enter the name(s) and/or text you'd like on your gift tags.Min: 1 characters

  • Design/Theme/Color *

    What design/theme/color would you like? If you ordered Christmas Cards or gift wrap from RSVdesigns, I can create a design that coordinates.Min: 1 characters

  • Image *

    If you'd like a photo on your tags, upload it here.Max file size: 100 MBPermitted file types: jpg jpeg jpe gif png pdf

Product total

Options total

Grand total

SKU: N/A Category:

Personalization is available on these semi-custom gift tags or you may order a custom design.  The tags are angeled (except the Santa tag) with a drilled hole and a string.

If you’re interested in custom tags, please email me, [email protected]

Sold in sets

Set of 24, Set of 48, Set of 72, Set of 96, Set of 120, Set of 144


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