Business Cards

From $35.00


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  • Name *

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  • Title *

    Enter your title here, for example, Owner, Designer, Teacher, etc.Min: 1 characters

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    Please use this space to share any preferred colors, themes, instructions for me here. To ensure an efficient process, please share as much information with me as it relates to your branding and vision. If you do not have a specific vision, I will present a custom design for your review.Min: -2 characters

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SKU: BSN-CRD Category:

Business Cards have many personal and professional uses.  In personal use, it is an efficient way to share your contact information or use it as an enclosure card for gifts.  For professionals, a business card is often the first impression made on a potential customer or client, in addition, your business card works for you 24/7. Your business card has the greatest reach of any business resource that you have.

There are many designs, finishes, and quantities available, a few are available to order from our website. If you are interested in suede, silk, raised UV print, painted edge, black edge, foil, raised foil, kraft, recycled, pearl, leaf,  or round business cards, email me [email protected]

Weight .75 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 5 × 1.5 in

Quick Cards, Standard, Linen, Magnet, Plastic, Fold-Over, Oval


Set of 100, Set of 250, Set of 500, Set of 1000, Set of 2500, Set of 5000, Set of 10,000


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